Life etc.

A happy adventure with baby Rowan.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Weight Wait

It's official. Rowan weighed 21 lb 8 oz on his second birthday. He's a lightweight even in the lightweight category. I always worry about him in this respect. I mean, this kid really is tiny. At the same time, I'm so proud of him for all his accomplishments in the last 2 years. I think of how far he has come and it's absolutely astounding. Today, he woke up singing ABCD, and got up to V. That's AWESOME, dudes!!! And he counts to THIRTEEN!
Everyday he blows me away with his ability to learn new things so quickly. I don't think he's going to stop anytime soon. In fact, Kedar's expecting him to recite the Theory of Relativity by next week.
As for the weight, we'll just wait.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Sodium Phenyxldichloride, Maltodextrin & Disodium Phospate

At a recent dinner with some Mommy friends, the inevitable subject came up: food. Rather, feeding. Feeding kids healthy meals of veggies and fruits, meats and milk - but without the sodium, the hormones, the preservatives...
It scared me to death. While we opt for Organic milk for Rowan, everything else he eats is pretty much - what's the word - inorganic? I figured he's not about to scarf down a pound of sausage or turkey at dinner or eat a whole cantaloupe. In small amounts, regular old food with its preservatives and hormones should be ok, right? Right? At least that's what I thought.
The other moms were much more enlightened than me.
"Stay away from anything that looks orange" ( Cheetohs - which Rowan LOVES)
"If you read Nitrite on the label, put it back on the shelf". (That includes sausages, hotdogs and lunch meats - all regulars at the dinner table.)
"Canned stuff with its high sodium content is a no-no."
Am I feeding my son crap?
My husband likes to point out that we all grew up eating foods containing Malto.. ( read title!) and drinking regular old milk with who knows what additives. And we all know that the exact ingredients in a hot dog are one of life's great mysteries.

So I'm a bit lost.

No Cheetohs?

I lulloo so much

One afternoon a couple of days ago, I was sitting on the kitchen floor when Rowan toddled by and sat on my lap. I gave him a hug and said, " I love you!". He raised his head, looked me in the eye and said, "I lulloo too!"

There have been times when he has said " I lulloo, Mommy," or " I lulloo, Daddy" unprompted. Every time, those words leave us thunderstruck and absolutely humbled.

In this case, I was silent for a whole minute, contemplating the enormity of those words and the fierce emotion they generated.

Meanwhile he was already off rooting for a snack in the pantry.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Cousin Nish's birthday

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Got some big shoes to fill

And that's no mean feet... err.. feat.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Rembrandt got his start here

Horsing around

Messy messy messy!

What are you smiling for? You're upto something, aren't you?

NOOOOO don't, it's open!

Not that - keep...!

Stop throwi... noooo!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


From "Ba ba ma ma" to "Mommeee! Come here!" and "Rowan want it!" - Rowan is changing from a little baby to a little boy under our very noses.
He now sleeps in his own room in his own big-boy bed. Never thought that day would dawn.
He plays by himself and talks to his toys.
When he got back from a birthday party recently, he said, "Happy Birthday fun!"

Just yesterday, he picked up his toy guitar and started singing the Alphabet song.

But I thought -
He was -

I thought he was my little baby!

He was.

Just yesterday.