Life etc.

A happy adventure with baby Rowan.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Move over, Webster!

Quite a few words have been added to Rowan's Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language (First Edition). Here are a few:

Wawa: Rowan
Waowao: Ro-Ro
Chachacha: Elephant
Girraa: Giraffe
Yayon: Lion
Tattoo: Thank you
Waawo: Yellow
Chayah: Chair
Theyah: There
Choochoo: Train
Bo: Blow

Sunday, November 12, 2006


This one needs to be recorded for posterity - if only to get a laugh:

Rowan's word for "Superman" is "Numanuma".

"Rowan, are you Superman?"

" Numanuma!!"


In a further quest for cheap thrills, we've been trying to get him to say other big words like Megalomania, Caterpillar and Schizophrenia.

Next on the list to try is the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a, which is the official State Fish of Hawaii. ( I kid you not.) Told you, we like cheap thrills around here.

But wait, Rowan already says something that sounds remarkably similar. I just don't think he's talking about a fish.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What else would he be but a Baaoo?

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