Life etc.

A happy adventure with baby Rowan.

Monday, September 24, 2007


Just a note to round up the last few weeks. The singing continues with much enthusiasm. It's really really REALLY cute when Rowan sings - and he does it all day long. While playing in his playroom with his school bus, he'll burst into" Wheels on the bus go wound and wound". If we're going to buys a present, it's "Happy booday to you!" and so on. His current favorite is the days of the week song ( Sunday, Monday... what's the weather?) and " Oh my dauleen, o my dauleen" ( darling). What fun!

And we're still gaping on a regular basis at all the astonishing things he says. A few months ago I would write them down, but now there are too many and my poor brain can't keep up. Suffice it to say that we're constantly asking" Where'd he learn THAT?!"

He seems to have been bitten by the shyness bug lately. Hides his face and runs away when we see even old friends that he knows. Hopefully, it's just another phase.

This morning, he took my hand and brought me to the potty so he could sit on it. Kedar has been talking to him about it, clearly something clicked. So proud of him!! What a big boy!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A day at Bushkill Falls

We recently spent a lovely day at Bushkill Falls in Pennsylvania.
We decided to climb all the way down and then come back up the other side - quite a climb, overall - and guess who kept us company? Except for a couple of really steep flights, Rowan managed to climb all the steps by himself. Along the way, he even tried to climb a tree. The falls were spectacular but the highlight for Rowan was the guitar player near the cafe. We had to literally drag him off that dance floor.