Life etc.

A happy adventure with baby Rowan.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


On our 6-year wedding anniversary in June, we celebrated by taking a cruise around our favorite place in the world - Manhattan. Rowan kept saying he wanted to go on the boat. He didn't realize until much later that he was already on the boat! He loved looking at the water and the view of the Statue of Liberty against the backdrop of downtown.

More summer

Summer fun pictures

I finally had the time to upload all the 441 pictures from my camera. Have a look at what our summer's been like.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Rowan's latest favorite word is "awight?" ( always a question.)

Mommy, I do shopping ana buy fud, awight?
Don't fy, Mommy, I tum bat, awight?
I love you, Mommy, awight?
Daddy, I making pizza, awight?
I teen (clean) up, awight?

Awight, awight!


My parents are here. The last time they saw Rowan, he was 3 months old. They're completely bowled over by him. And he really knows how to get his way with them, especially my Mom. It's funny how perceptive kids are. Ro just senses that my Mom is a softie and he can play her.
It's nice having my parents around and showing him off. (I'm such a typical proud Mommy.) They've been in Boston this past week and he asks about them daily. My mom is all about feeding him and cleaning his room and washing his clothes. What a big help! And my dad takes him for a walk every evening - religiously. He waits all day for Ro to come back from daycare. It's great to see him interact with Rowan.

On another note, my job is so fulfilling, it's unreal. I can't believe how cool my ad agency is. It's a bunch of people trying to do great advertising - deep in the Jersey burbs! I'm definitely feeling the rush again, after many years. I don't know which I like better - my 13 minute "commute", Friday morning "breakfeasts", or the free massages we get twice a month. Told ya it was cool.

Monday, August 06, 2007


We went to see The Police in concert at the Giants stadium last night. A rare evening out. We dropped Rowan off at my in-laws' house and I attempted to enjoy the evening. It had its moments ( I mean, come on, it was STING!) but I had a feeling Rowan wouldn't do well. It turns out he cried most of the evening, so hard that he threw up - twice- and didn't have any dinner. But the point of this post is: he woke up bright and chirpy this morning and started talking something fierce. ( Fy is cry.)

Ro: " I fy so much yeteday."
Me: Why'd you cry so much?
Ro: " When Mommy go, I fy a lot."

Kid just TALKS like he's FIVE.