Life etc.

A happy adventure with baby Rowan.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Sodium Phenyxldichloride, Maltodextrin & Disodium Phospate

At a recent dinner with some Mommy friends, the inevitable subject came up: food. Rather, feeding. Feeding kids healthy meals of veggies and fruits, meats and milk - but without the sodium, the hormones, the preservatives...
It scared me to death. While we opt for Organic milk for Rowan, everything else he eats is pretty much - what's the word - inorganic? I figured he's not about to scarf down a pound of sausage or turkey at dinner or eat a whole cantaloupe. In small amounts, regular old food with its preservatives and hormones should be ok, right? Right? At least that's what I thought.
The other moms were much more enlightened than me.
"Stay away from anything that looks orange" ( Cheetohs - which Rowan LOVES)
"If you read Nitrite on the label, put it back on the shelf". (That includes sausages, hotdogs and lunch meats - all regulars at the dinner table.)
"Canned stuff with its high sodium content is a no-no."
Am I feeding my son crap?
My husband likes to point out that we all grew up eating foods containing Malto.. ( read title!) and drinking regular old milk with who knows what additives. And we all know that the exact ingredients in a hot dog are one of life's great mysteries.

So I'm a bit lost.

No Cheetohs?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh YES cheetos! What is life without fingers, face, couch and mommy's shirt stained an electric and luminescent orange! Mmmmmm they are delicious!

I was told by my son's paediatrician that the amount of pesticides and subversive chemicals he would absorb would be minimal given than kids that age eat so little. Now she is old skool and has always been very conservative in the handing out medications category, so I tend to have some faith in what she says.

Besides which.. for a few months, I did try the organic route with meat and milk and sufficeth to say it completely blew my grocery budget. Not much fun eating just rice and beans for all the other meals because .. hey, my grocery budget was all used up!

I shall now proceed to eat a hostess twinkie to quell any healthy and virtous yearnings I had while writing this comment.


10:30 PM  
Blogger VRK said...

I'm wary of Moms who don't let their kids have an occasional cheeto, french fry, chocolate, piece of gum, etc. These are once in a while foods, not daily fare. I'm sure your daily dinners offer nutritious choices and a variety of them. Even adults need a "no-no" food fix every now and then.

9:13 PM  
Blogger Prachi Junankar-Gokhale said...

Kiran, you're funny. Hostess twinkies lol!
Desimom, I agree with you wholeheartedly. Everyone needs a favorite food fix sometimes - why not kids!

10:56 PM  

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