Is it normal...
To constantly feel behind the 8 ball? To feel like you're always struggling to keep up and never quite catch up? To feel like it's all on your shoulders and you just can't keep everything together and it's all going to collapse if you look away even for a minute?
Even though I admittedly have a penchant for the dramatic, it's no exaggeration that this is how I've been feeling lately. Our bedroom, my past undisturbed sanctuary – where I would read poetry, light candles and always have flowers by the bedside – is now a big heap of clothes and an assortment of objects – plastic doohickies, firetrucks, boardbooks. The laundry NEVER EVER EVER gets done. I can't sit on the couch without moving a bunch of things over. The mail sits unopened for days. Phone calls are not returned. Rowan routinely goes 2 days without a bath or shower. And he hasn't even weaned off the bottle yet, because I just can't deal.
Everywhere I look, all I see are chores waiting to be done.
Inhale. Exhale. Repeat.
I suspect that as much as I want to think that mine is a unique situation and indulge in a wild pity party, this is what life is like for most moms, working or stay-at-home.
Perhaps it's time to accept the chaos that comes with a toddler. Accept that my house will never be as tidy as I'd like. Rowan will not always look like a Gap Baby ad. The laundry will never get done. My closet will never look like something out of Real Simple.
You would think after 3 years, I would have. But I'm slow like that.