Life etc.

A happy adventure with baby Rowan.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

We're getting there

Slowly but surely.

Friday, May 25, 2007

The dog days of summer

Ah... summer. Lazy afternoons, basking in the sun, watching things bloom.
And mowing the lawn. Eating ice cream. Just hangin'.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Crafts, Rowan-style

Friday, May 18, 2007

BBQ at our new neighbors'

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Vocab Update

"Mommy, say that."

"I don't want blanket/eggs/yellow lollipop/socks."

"I want blanket/eggs/yellow lollipop/socks."

"Want some?"

"Daddy eat ice-cream!"

"Go outside."

"I want do it."

"It's sunny out."

"Wow! Look at that!"

Merry Maids, you've got competition.

Sunday night, we had a special crew come in to clean up. So what if they used Kleenex Handiwipes to err... scrub the basement walls.

We were very pleased with the results and plan to use them again. Our yard could use a good sweeping.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Past tense

This past week has been rough on everyone because Rowan's been sick. The constant night wakings have taken a toll. So today I found myself thinking wistfully about my past life, when I would sometimes wake up at noon - yes, noon! - on weekend mornings. Here's a poem I wrote back then, about my leisurely single-gal weekend mornings in Boston.

Waking up in # 40, 1164 Boylston Street

The Saturday sun in especially bold
Bursting in rudely through wispy white
curtains, making itself at home
in the tiny apartment

The room fills up with light, gradually
Like the old, cracked bathtub with water
The dust motes are up to their old games
Flirting shamelessly with the sunbeams

The lilies stir up a scented frenzy
Hearing the wrens in the tree
The newspaper lies outside the door
Quivering with anticipation

Slippers wait impatiently to be warmed
They know the time is near
The coffee pot beckons furiously:
The milk is starting to get worried.

A collective sigh goes around the room
At the smell of Arabica in the air
The water rushes out, joyous, in the bathroom sink
The rug is a sunlit garden.

Friday, May 04, 2007

More birthday!

Happy Birthday To You!

I had a fun happy birthday to you day and I blew out
my happy birthday to you candle on the cake. I also
had about 20 somebodies hum to my happy birthday to
you party. I laughed and had fun at the NJ Children's
museum where I got to ride in an ambulance for
20 minutes even though my mommy and daddy were bored
after about 30 seconds. I also sat in a helicopter
and fire engine. We all ate pizza too.