Life etc.

A happy adventure with baby Rowan.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Mets vs. Rockies

Rowan's first baseball game. (The Mets won.)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

In La la Land

Rowan started singing yesterday! He went, "La la la la"... It was a big effort for him to make the L sound (for the first time) - quite a workout for those jaw muscles - but make it he did.
He looked pretty funny, though! It was a blast.

La la la la la la la!

Stop me, someone!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Hair today, gone tomorrow!

Awwwwwww. The first cut is the deepest.

"For Rowan" by Priyanka

This cute poem is written by Rowan's cousin Priyanka just for him.

R is for really great
O is for outstanding
W is for really cute eyes
A is for absolutely outstanding
N is for never crying

Thanks, Pri! And just for that, here's a wet, slobbery kiss from Rowan!

Monday, August 14, 2006


Rowan's been laughing in his sleep these last few days. I'm going to wax poetic again - it was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard... like bells tinkling in the night. I wonder what he was dreaming about. "Baaoos", probably!

He has a huge fan club at the pediatrician's. All the receptionists and nurses literally line up to admire him, and make various cooing sounds. He loves it.

And today, he found his belly button!

Thursday, August 03, 2006


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Walkie walkie

Hey! Look who's walking around like he's been doing it for... oh, you know, two months.
Check out the cool Spiderman flip-flops, a gift from Rowan's cousin, Priyanka.