Chatoo Moot
We introduced Chocolate Milk into Rowan's ever-expanding palate. Need I add that he loves loves loves it? He calls it "Chatoo Moot" ( go figure). Strawberry Milk is " Peen dudu". ( Pink dudu.)
Fortunately, he's happy drinking just a splash of it mixed in with his regular milk. For now.
He's got a terrible cold since yesterday. We're going to stay in and take it easy today.
The choc. milk thing is funny. My older daughter was about 2 when we went on a trip and she refused the plain milk b/c it tasted funny. I put Nesquik in it and that's how she takes it to this day. Her twin brother stuck with the plain milk until about 3 years of age.
My baby daughter has a milk protein allergy (like older daughter when she was a baby). Her ped. suggested we challenge her with yogurt around 8 months, I did and she failed terribly. I regret doing that b/c I hope she doesn't sustain this allergy into toddlerhood. She'll be starting whole milk next month or so.
Older daughter does fine with milk now.
Incidentally, I'm Maharashtrian too. (married to a Hindu Punjabi). While I challenged the baby, I fed her "duud baath" and she loved it! It brought back so many memories of my own childhood as that was one of the only dinners I would eat...or so my mother tells me.
Continued luck with Rowan's progress.
thanks for the trip down the desi memory lane. god it's been forever since I heard the word for milk. These days, milk (or maalk, as J pronounces it) is his food of choice. (sigh).
we gotta get together one of these days.
Hi DesiMom,
What a coincidence - I used to love " doodh bhaat" when I was a kid too! My grandmother and mom used to laugh because that's all I ever wanted - so it was easy to feed me.:-)I hope your dd outgrows her milk allergy soon. Rowan had bad reflux and was on yucky Alimentum for ages. We finally switched him to whole milk at 11 months and he loved it. But to this day, if he's sick, he doesn't do well with milk.
Hey Sadaf,
It's funny how we always referred to milk as dudu. And water is "pa pa" and food is "mum mum". When Rowe started daycare, I wrote out a list of such words with their translation so they'd understand what he was saying.
What's your and the kids' schedule like? Rowan's home with me on Thursdays so we could do a playdate at home or meet at the mall. I tried the big Meetup playdates but Rowan does much better with just 1 or 2 kids.
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