Life etc.

A happy adventure with baby Rowan.

Monday, January 23, 2006

What a ride

Jan 23
Two weeks ago, we all experienced Rowan's first big illness - stomach flu. It was sudden and extreme and by the end of the first day, he was already so weak from the constant vomittin gand diarrhea. The vomitting was really scary. That fist night, he was sipping Pedialyte and bringing it up. For almost 2 days, he just drank little bits of Pedialyte, and nothing else. Then the diarrhea started. He would just lie quietly on the changing table, too exhausted to even turn his head. And the had such high fever. It was the most painful thing to watch him get weaker and weaker. Everybody kept saying, " He'll bounce back in a couple of days, this is very common" but I didn't believe them. It's true! After almost a whole week of being sick, he started turning around that Friday. He drank a couple of ounces of milk and by the weekend, he was on the road to recovery. Now, the kid's super hungry. It's heartening to see him eat well - he's even skinnier now, if that's possible. I saw his arms yesterady and they're like sticks. But his energy is amazing. He's just ON from morning to night. And he's getting very talkative! Da daadaddadada and screaming constantly!

He also has "entree envy"! Wants to eat everything off our plates! Water melon, corn bread, grilled chicken, cheese....!

Last night, I stuck little glow-in-the-dark stars in his room. He's fascinated by that clock reflected on our ceiling. We figured the stars would be cool for him to look at.

I'm excited by my part-time schedule. It will be nice to hang out at home with Rowe. I'm tired of the commute.


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