Life etc.

A happy adventure with baby Rowan.

Monday, August 06, 2007


We went to see The Police in concert at the Giants stadium last night. A rare evening out. We dropped Rowan off at my in-laws' house and I attempted to enjoy the evening. It had its moments ( I mean, come on, it was STING!) but I had a feeling Rowan wouldn't do well. It turns out he cried most of the evening, so hard that he threw up - twice- and didn't have any dinner. But the point of this post is: he woke up bright and chirpy this morning and started talking something fierce. ( Fy is cry.)

Ro: " I fy so much yeteday."
Me: Why'd you cry so much?
Ro: " When Mommy go, I fy a lot."

Kid just TALKS like he's FIVE.


Blogger VRK said...

Did the inlaws call to tell you he was throwing up or did they go it alone?

Your inlaws sound amazing to handle a vomiting, crying little ball of tears all on their own!

You're lucky.

8:48 PM  
Blogger Prachi Junankar-Gokhale said...

No, they didn't call us, they always handle that kind of thing themselves. I'm the one who calls them throughout the evening, though!
Yeah, it's nice to have them around when we want a night out.

9:45 AM  

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