
If there were an award for Best Baby Traveler of the Year (and there should be), Rowan would win it hands down. He couldn't have been a better flyer on the six and a half hour flight to San Francisco. (Didn't even watch his Baby Einstein DVDs - can you imagine.) The fact that the 2 German women sitting next to us went crazy over him helped. They spent a good part of the flight cooing at, holding and walking him... in short, giving me a break.
Esha is an absolute darling. Throughout our stay, she took such good care of Rowan, - really the perfect big sister. Rowan rewarded her by calling her " Babay". First thing every morning, he'd start " Babay?", " Babay?" until she came to our room. Then they would play all day - hang out, much like we grown-ups do. It was so much fun to see that. It was obvious that Rowan loved being around her.
We spent Friday afternoon at the zoo , and on Saturday, Esha had her Diwali celebration dance at some big hall. Lots of Indian families. It was great to soak up the festive Indian atmosphere - something I haven't done in almost a decade. Although it was Esha's big day, all she talked about to all her friends was her " little brother Rowan".
On Sunday, we went into San Francisco to meet two of my old friends - Niti and Radhika. In the past, we always went out and partied but this time was different - more homey. It was nice.
On our last day in Cupertino, we surprised Esha at her school by going to pick her up! I wish you could have seen her face! Again, lots of showing off her little brother to friends and even teachers.
Since we got back, Rowan's been looking around and saying, "Babay?" all the time. And Esha cried up a storm when she came home from school and found out we'd left.
Who knew little kids felt so much so strongly?
Thankfully, Halloween proved to be a welcome distraction on both coasts. (Never thought I'd feel such affection for a pumpkin.)
That's next!
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